ROCKIN' JOKER CLUB CHATTER NOVEMBER 2006 by Marv and Ina Tanner (Published in Squares 'Round the Bay, 11/06) |
Rockin’ Jokers are proud that they are well represented on
the Santa
Clara Valley Square Dance Association Board of Directors. Joe
and Marion Pava are Presidents and Karl
Belser is First Vice President.
and Marion recently moved here from Vancouver, Canada.
Those of you dancing in the 80’s might
remember that Joe was president of the SCVSDA association. Our fall calendar has been full of square dance activities. The SCVSDA/SCVSCA Whing-Ding Caller Appreciation Dance was great. We had an enjoyable day at the Emma Prusch Farm Park Harvest Festival “Ole Time Country Fair” where we did a square dance demonstration. Many enjoyed the dancing weekend at the very special SCVSDA 50th. Our party night in October brought out many weird and scary hats. We ended October with our Halloween HOooooDOWN featuring caller Jet Roberts and cuer John Flora. Many thanks go to chairmen Van and Anna May Symons, and their many goblins, for making this a fun and spooky hoedown. n November we will have our club elections. A major achievement for our club this year has been acceptance of our new By-Laws and Standing Rules and registering our Articles of Incorporation with the State of California. We appreciate the hours, Karl Belser, JoKay Bednar, Allen and Carol Glesser and Bob Cavallaro spent in making these things happen. As always, we are anticipating an enjoyable evening at the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Dance and benefit for Salvation Army. Bob and Judy Hogan are our recent travelers, venturing to Dublin, Ireland. Aside from their scenic trips, they searched for an O’Hogan pub in Bob’s ancestral home. We are happy to report that Van Symons and Betty Kistler are well on the mend from their recent knee and hip surgeries, respectively. * * *
updated October 5, 2006 RJ HOME PAGE |