Rockin Joker Logo

  June/July 2008
by Lola Michael
(Published in Squares 'Round the Bay, 06/08)

May was a busy month for the Rockin' Jokers.  Besides our club dance nights on Wednesday and hoedowns, Sue Cyr and Colleen Rootsaert are finding very interesting things for the activities calendar.

Thirty-six met for dinner at Fresh Choice and afterwards enjoyed a round of miniature golf and then went out for dessert at BakersSquare.  There were quite a few holes in one, and tied with the lowest (best) score are Marcus Haskins and Bob Rootsaert, with Jackie Daemion having the highest (worst) score. A lot of fun was had by those both young and young at heart.

Rockin' Jokers were invited to visit a lawn bowling league at Bramhall Park in San Jose for a repeat of last year's fun.   The league members were very patient in trying to teach us the finer points of the sport.  After bowling lunch was enjoyed at Straw Hat Pizza. 

June also promises to be a busy month.  A comedy performance "Alter Boyz" is planned for 2:00 p.m. on June 22 at the San Jose Stage Company.  Sonoma Chicken Coup on San Pedro Street has been chosen for dinner after the play.

The Rockin' Jokers annual Bocce Ball tournament and potluck will be held on June 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. Francis Cabrini Church, 16055 Woodard Rd. in San Jose.

Saturday, July 12 will find the Rockin' Jokers at Stevens Creek Park - Villa Maria Site for their annual picnic.  Jim Kauss is the chairman for this event.  If last year's event is any indication, we will have a fun filled day with friends.   Some went on an early morning hike, led by Jean and Don Arndt, while others set up sites for Montana golf, horse shoes, washer rings toss, and board games and of course lots of food. 

Jackie Daemion and Karl Belser enjoyed a trip along the California and Oregon coast. Accompanying them was Karl's brother and wife who are visiting from New Zealand.

We hope that by the time you are reading this Jim Faltersack is back dancing after undergoing foot surgery.  Marion Pava is still on the mend and waiting patiently for her knee to heal. Annie Bennet's plans for a back operation are on hold because she ended up needing a stint.

A big welcome is extended to new members Tex and Candy Tyner and Duane and Karen Stevens. Each will be a big asset to the club.

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Last updated May 4, 2008


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