On May 1st the Rafter Rockers and the Jokers merged as the Rockin’ Jokers. Thanks to Allen and Carol Glesser and Jackie Daemion and Karl Belser, we were quickly presented with our new badges, which have the Joker reclining on the roof of the Rafter Rocker barn. Later in May we sponsored the 54th Annual Hawaiian Style hoedown. Many area dancers enjoyed a fun evening dancing to Ernie Kinney and Chuck and Shirley Hurst, longtime valley favorites. Over the Memorial Day weekend, the Rockin’ Jokers camping group ventured to the Monterey Vacation RV Park in Aromas. Thanks to Chuck Wagon Bosses Dixie Davison and Sherrie Cardona a good feed was had by all. In June we welcomed new members Jennie McMonagle, Howard and Diane Kauffman, Ray Bareiss and Marge Elizondo, Bill Steinberg and Lola Michael, and Gary Hinze. Recently, we were saddened by the passing of Darrell Linafelter. Darrell and Joann were regular dancers with the Rafter Rockers. Several Rockin’ Jokers traveled to Portland to attend the 54th National Square Dance Convention. Those attending were our Caller and Taw: Roger Smith and Josie Baumgartner, President and First Lady: Allen and Carol Glesser, Bob and Annie Bennett, Joe Carboni, Bob and Susan Cavallaro, Lynn & Adrianne Hahn, Shirley Hall, and Van and Anna May Symons. This year’s annual picnic, held in July at Santa Theresa Park, had the theme “Getting to Know Each Other”. Thanks to the thorough advance planning by picnic co-chairpersons Dixie and Dave Davison and Ellie and Jerry Murphy, we had plenty of and food. The highlight of the afternoon was the raffle. Over the past year, Dixie and Ellie had acquired a great assortment of valuable prizes, and many picnickers were lucky winners. In
we also brought on John Flora as our
club’s round dance cuer. Twice a The Rockin’ Jokers enjoyed an active August. Many members participated in SCVSDA’s square dancing at the Santa Clara County Fair, giving us the opportunity to show the public how much fun square dancing can be. Our camping group enjoyed a great weekend at Smithwoods RV Park in Felton, which included a night out in Santa Cruz. Thanks to Chuck Wagon bosses Jim and Lois Kauss and Georgia Seitzler and Bob Eckhoff for preparing a delicious meal of spaghetti and meat balls, salad, and garlic bread. What would a campfire be without Smores. Thanks also to Susan and Bob Cavallaro for organizing a fun time for many Rockin’ Jokers at a San Jose Giants ballgame and barbeque. Congratulations go to grandparents Chuck and Phyllis DePalmo who welcomed a new grandchild into their family. We wish a speedy recovery to Van Symons who recently had shoulder surgery and to Mel Grant who had hip-replacement surgery. These fellows are durable and faithful square dancers, and we hope to see them back on the dance floor soon. The Rockin’ Jokers recently gave special recognition to Shirley Hall by making her a Lifetime Member. We also celebrated Peggy Lake’s retirement from her job with cake for all. Preparations for the first Rockin’ Jokers square dance class are in full swing. Van Symons and Jim Kauss are co-chairmen of our committee to advertise and promote our class. Introductory classes will be held from September 7th through the 28th. * * * |
updated November 1, 2005 RJ HOME PAGE ![]() |