Rockin Joker Logo

  March 2008
by Marv and Ina Tanner
(Published in Squares 'Round the Bay, 03/08)

In late January, forty-two hungry and music-loving Rockin’ Jokers ventured to the Straw Hat Pizza parlor for good food and entertainment by the Peninsula Banjo Band.  Thanks to Jed & Sue Cyr for planning this activity.  They are our new activities coordinators, and they have many more fun ideas for social events.  We hosted the 5th Wednesday dance, which was well attended with ten squares dancing.  In January we welcomed Ed Rosenberg as a “new” and returning member of Rockin’ Jokers.

Many of our Rockin’ Jokers enjoyed dancing at the Katydids Sweetheart Special, our February Visitation dance.  It was fun dancing to Scot Byars calling and Erin Byars cuing; we know them as editors and publishers of “Squares ‘Round the Bay”. Our February activity at the De Anza Planetarium Astronomy show, preceded by dinner at Hobee’s, was enjoyed by many.

In March we will be dancing at the Sunnyvale Singles Spring Fling Newer Dancer Hoedown with Scot Byars calling; this will be our March Visitation dance.  Later on we will go to the HP Pavilion to cheer for our hometown Sabercats arena football team.  We will get in the mood for football with dinner at the Sonoma Chicken Coop. 

Traveling this month are Greg & Kitty LaFavor who are on a Panama cruise.  Carol Glesser has returned from Flagstaff having been there to care for her and Allen’s new grandson.

We extend our feelings of comfort to some of our members who are enduring health problems.  Jeri Bates has returned after having pneumonia, and Pete Kane is having heart problems.

After writing the Rafter Rockers and Rockin’ Jokers Club Chatter for the last four and a half years, we are handing over this journalistic undertaking to Lola Michael.  We wish her great creative writing.

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Last updated February 13, 2008


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